Burlington couple, Vince Washington & Brittany Jones share insight on showing love and managing a blended family
So here is a story as old as time…boy meets girl – but this time it has a few twists. One thing is clear, the love is real and just talking to them brings out their joyous smiles. The lovebirds have an unmatched energy as they gush over each other.
They met as kids because their parents worked for the same company. A chance meeting at a Christmas party set up a storybook romance.
Both Vince and Brittany have had previous relationships, which have blessed them with a combination of seven wonderful children. Love has given them a second chance and now they are looking to solidify their blended family with their nuptials later in 2024. They strive everyday to be a united front when balancing life, church, extra curricular activities for the kids and work. Their daily demands do leave time for fun. They ooze the joy and makes us all reminisce about our first loves.
When asked what are some traits that draw them to each other, Brittany sites Vince’s sense of humor which elicits laughter for them both often. He mentions her thoughtfulness and sweet gestures that make him feel special.
With their wedding a few months away, they are diligently planning and very appreciative that their special day will be exactly what they want – a party! #BlackLove is DOPE!